Friday, August 22, 2008

Worst Week Ever

So this is mainly for venting purposes but this week = not so hot.
1) Had my heart broken in new and different ways I never thought imaginable.
2) Suffered the anxiety of friendship complications.
3) Worked down to the bone for days on end.
4) Had co-workers ditch responsibilities.
5) Was attacked by ants that have made my foot swollen.
6) Had to miss work cause of number 5.
7) My life is nowhere near being as together as I need it to be.
8) Blah.
Sorry to complain, but this is the sane-est way of venting I could think of. Thanks for hearing me out, whoever.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

hello, yes hi it's me

Ahh, hello to the readers!!!. I’m Michael U. and I get the honor and the fortune of co-writing on Ms. Allie C.’s blog now and again. About me: Well I have horrible grammar. I hope it will show because I really pride myself on it. What thrills my days,? I like to do volunteer work, that is, any kind of volunteer work. On one of these blogs will explain my volunteer theory but it goes to the tune of “conscience volunteering (that is without the intent of personal gain) violates every selfish motivation of human nature, yet, it makes the whole world go ‘round.” Also I really like to study biology and well, in the larger picture, I guess that I am pretty thrilled with life in general. The world is a very cool place. I also share a good vibe for 12s, purple, and quotes. My opinion?, this web logging thing is gonna be a pretty cool ride. Buckle up.


Michael U. (you can probably call me Mike, i think)

Monday, August 11, 2008

Wells-Fargo Wagon!

Hallo, hallo, hallo. I have very exciting news about the blog you are currently reading. It will officially be shared by moi (Allie C.) and by the outrageously funny and talented writer Michael U. (you can prob call him Mike). We've decided to split the blog and I know you are all clamoring to read our updates, so without further adieu, be aware that there are now two sets of posts being created within this blog. Much love- Allie.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Welcome to My Nonsense

Hallo! Apparently- I now have a blog. Good gracious. Lol. Many of you may be wondering about the curiosity that is both my blog address and blog title. The address is explained as such: purple is my favorite color, 12 is my favorite number and who doesn't love a party? Those who know me well understand just how strongly I feel about purple and 12 (especially 12), but those who don't realize the depth of my love for these two things yet- you will, oh you will. :) As for the title of this blog, it comes from one of my favorite quotes that I think epitomizes my life (especially lately). It goes, "When the light turns green, you go. When the light turns red, you stop. But what do you do when the light turns blue with lavender and orange spots?"- Shel Silverstein, ladies and gentleman. So without further adieu- welcome to the absurdity, bizarrity, and just plain weirdness of my life.