Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Welcome to My Nonsense

Hallo! Apparently- I now have a blog. Good gracious. Lol. Many of you may be wondering about the curiosity that is both my blog address and blog title. The address is explained as such: purple is my favorite color, 12 is my favorite number and who doesn't love a party? Those who know me well understand just how strongly I feel about purple and 12 (especially 12), but those who don't realize the depth of my love for these two things yet- you will, oh you will. :) As for the title of this blog, it comes from one of my favorite quotes that I think epitomizes my life (especially lately). It goes, "When the light turns green, you go. When the light turns red, you stop. But what do you do when the light turns blue with lavender and orange spots?"- Shel Silverstein, ladies and gentleman. So without further adieu- welcome to the absurdity, bizarrity, and just plain weirdness of my life.


DJW said...

you are too adorable. And I LOVE the quote! YAY!

Loves ya, ~ Dev

Lindsey said...

Hallo you! nice blog!! I like the Davidson ambiance of red and black...did you plan that??? You little genius you ; )